[bottlepy] get _url for mounted apps
Andy Salnikov
2015-07-02 22:11:33 UTC

I have split my large bottle app into few smaller apps which are all
mounted under root app. Now in one of the apps I want to generate URL for
the resource served by other app and that does not see m to work:

# actual applications live in separate files, here for simplicity it's all

app1 = Bottle()
app2 = Bottle()
app = Bottle()

app.mount('/app1', app1)
app.mount('/app2', app2)

@app1.route('/nice_plot/<name>', name='nice_plot')
def nice_plot(name):
return SomeData()

def plot_grid():
# and here I want to generate URL served by app1, e.g.

# tried this:
url = app1.get_url('nice_plot', name='123')

# but it returns '/app2/nice_plot/123' instead

Looking at how get_url() is implemented it's clear why it happens (it uses
SCRIPT_NAME to get URL prefix). Still I need to somehow make correct URL.

Is there a reasonably simple way to do what I want or should I abandon my
idea and hardcode URLs?

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Tristan Kohl
2015-07-03 07:43:09 UTC
I don't know if I get you right, but I made myself a prototype class all
apps inherit from:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .bottle import Bottle

class Prototype(Bottle):
Provide routing functionality for all Bottle Apps.
This is not a Standalone-App but some prototype.

def __init__(self, parent, path, routelist):
Initialise App.
self.parent = parent
self.path = path

def _routes(self, routelist):
Routine to establish routes for requests according to routelist.
for _route in routelist:
if len(_route) == 3:
_method = _route[2]
_method = "GET"
path = _route[0], callback = _route[1], method = _method

New apps will be generated like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from .prototype import Prototype

class MainApp(Prototype):

def __init__(self, port = 12001):
routelist = (
( "/", self.index ),
( "/add", self.get_new ),
( "/add", self.add_new, "PUT" ),
( "/all", self.index_all ),
( "/data/<id>", self.save, "POST" ),
( "/search", self.search ),
( "/stylesheet/<sheet>", self.send_stylesheet ),
parent = None,
path = "/",
routelist = routelist

Host and port are obviously only for the "root" app but every by this
approach every class got its own path attribute and is aware of its root

I hope this helps you in your approach :)

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Andy Salnikov
2015-07-03 22:37:10 UTC
Hi Tristan,

I don't think this is relevant. The problem that I'm facing is that get_url
and multiple applications do not work together. I don't believe you
approach can solve that.

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Tristan Kohl
2015-07-04 01:23:01 UTC
Hi Andy,

i figured you wanted some "subapps" but now I get you already solved this. I used my approach to solve this kind of problem by walking up the the "parent" attribute and use their "path" attribute to concat
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